Archive for May, 2014

Produce Fancy Text With Figlet

May 30, 2014
figletDo you want to spruce up your readme files with fancy titles and styled text? Figlet will help!

Figlet is a command line program that styles a given line of text with a font of your choosing, so you can from this,

Welcome Figlet!

to this:

 __        __   _                            _____ _       _      _   _
 \ \      / /__| | ___ ___  _ __ ___   ___  |  ___(_) __ _| | ___| |_| |
  \ \ /\ / / _ \ |/ __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | |_  | |/ _` | |/ _ \ __| |
   \ V  V /  __/ | (_| (_) | | | | | |  __/ |  _| | | (_| | |  __/ |_|_|
    \_/\_/ \___|_|\___\___/|_| |_| |_|\___| |_|   |_|\__, |_|\___|\__(_)

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