Archive for June, 2024

4pane File Manager

📅 June 25, 2024
Do you like the F3 dual-pane feature offered by Linux file managers, such as Nemo?

4pane is a dedicated file manager that offers similar navigation for easier drag and drop operations between multiple locations from a single window.


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SSH Login Without a Password

📅 June 23, 2024
“I have a script that connects to multiple SSH servers, and I must enter a password every time. Is there a way to log in automatically without entering a password?”

Yes, and SSH provides tools to make this possible.

Sometimes you need to connect remotely via SSH to the same server many times whether it be manually or through a script, such as a backup script using rsync that backs up data to a remote system. Would it not be easier to just let the script run and connect securely automatically instead of being prompted for a password each time you run the script? Multiple rsync lines might require multiple re-entries of duplicate passwords.

Rather than entering a password at every prompt, we can set up the remote SSH server to accept a given client login using an RSA key pair. The client script can then log in without the need to enter a password, and the connection is still encrypted.

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Bash: Make Your Time Talk

📅 June 20, 2024
Would you like to enjoy the thrill of having your computer speak the time in a mechanical, computerized voice?

You do? Great! This is completely possible in bash from the command line or a script.

We are not talking about any fancy GUI-based voice assistance. We are talking about typing a command that tells time, and we will look at two ways of achieving this using espeak and saytime.

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Bash: Display a Calendar with cal and ncal

📅 June 12, 2024
What is today’s date? Let’s open a terminal…

Bash is cool. Linux is cool. There is seemingly a program for everything you might want to do in Linux. Of course, there is not, but it seems like it.

What if you need to view a calendar from within a terminal because you want to show off to your friends or apply it to a script?

Linux provides the cal and ncal programs that will show a calendar from the command line in a variety of ways depending upon the options you use.

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Bash: Get the Date and Time

📅 June 11, 2024
Who needs a fancy GUI calendar when you can get the date and time from the command line like a true tech guru?

There are times when you will need to get the date and possibly the time using the command line or from within a shell script. Maybe you want to display the time in binary?

How is this achieved? Bash makes it easy…okay, easy from the command line. What a great way to impress your friends and freak out those afraid of a command prompt!

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