Ubuntu 12.04 and the Aspire One 722

Ubuntu 12.04 is released! Does it run on the Acer Aspire One 722 netbook?

The Acer Aspire One 722 is a fine netbook, but it requires love, coaxing, and copious amounts of patience to produce a Linux system.

In addition, anyone who has attempted this endeavor is well aware of the wireless adapter issue, system lockups, suspend issues, and other quirks that often require hacks to resolve.

Good news! Ubuntu 12.04 installs and performs brilliantly on the Aspire One 722, and almost(*) all hardware issues are fixed. Once again, Ubuntu 12.04 shows why it remains one of the more popular Linux distributions.

*Update: It seems that the internal microphone and the external microphone both record, but recordings are too faint to be usable. Entering alsamixer in a terminal will offer more control over the audio devices than Ubuntu’s Sound Preferences, but recording levels are still too low.


Given the lackluster experience with Ubuntu 12.04 beta 2 in VirtualBox, expectations were low for the final Ubuntu 12.04 release. However, that might have been due to reviewing a beta version, so let’s give Ubuntu another chance.

Doing something different, Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit was installed on real hardware using the Acer Aspire One 722 netbook with the goal of answering one question: Are the hardware problems of the Aspire One 722 resolved with Ubuntu 12.04?

What a surprise! After plenty of time experimenting with this project, Ubuntu 12.04 is a Linux distribution that runs properly on this netbook with full hardware compatibility minus the issues (aside from the faint recording level of the internal microphone). Wireless works. Suspend works. The default video drivers work. All of the Linux issues previously plaguing this netbook have vanished.

Ubuntu 12.04 is just what the doctor ordered.


Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit installs normally from a USB to a 7200 RPM netbook hard drive without any issues. Installation is the same as a desktop system, and it takes about 13 minutes to complete.


Oh, look at the sharp graphics!

Ubuntu installs its own video drivers, and they work with the ATI Radeon 6290 netbook video. Ubuntu boots into the native 1366×768 resolution without needing to install the proprietary ATI Catalyst drivers.

Video response is smooth and complete with the desktop effects, such as window shadows and transparency. Ubuntu 12.04 is completely usable without installing the ATI drivers.


The wireless adapter is the biggest problem with the Aspire One 722. With previous Linux distributions, the netbook would often freeze at random points upon login or when connecting to a wireless network. Setting the wireless adapter as the first boot device in BIOS fixed this problem, but it was a hack.

With Ubuntu 12.04, wireless works properly without freezing the netbook, and there is no need to set the wireless adapter as the first boot device. The netbook never froze whether connected to a wireless network or not.

Suspend and Hibernation – Do They Work?

Suspend works. Choosing Suspend from the shutdown menu puts the netbook into suspend mode, and pressing enter wakes it up. Any open windows at the time of suspend are restored.

Hibernation is disabled by default in Ubuntu 12.04, but it can be enabled by editing system files or testing it with sudo pm-hibernate. Until then, hibernation appears grayed out in menus.

But does hibernation work? Not completely. The netbook will go into hibernate mode, but it reboots as normal. Open windows are not restored. However, even this is an improvement.

Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit with the ATI Catalyst drivers could enter suspend and hibernation, but the display would never appear upon waking up. However, this appears to be a fault of the ATI proprietary drivers, not Ubuntu. Installing the ATI Catalyst drivers in Ubuntu 12.04 will produce the same blank display effect, making suspend and hibernation useless.

As long as Ubuntu’s video drivers are in use, suspend works fine and hibernation almost works.

Restarting X

With Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit on the Acer Aspire One 722, restarting X using the Left Alt + PrtScrn + K key combination freezes the netbook and requires a forced reset. This no longer happens with Ubuntu 12.04 using the Ubuntu video drivers. Restarting X returns to the Ubuntu login screen as it should.


Opening programs and files seems slower in Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit than Ubuntu 10.10 or Linux Mint. There seems to be a consistent delay in hard drive response time despite testing Ubuntu 12.04 on a 7200 RPM hard drive and on a solid state drive (SSD).

Recording Audio

Audio recording using the internal microphone or an external microphone works, but recordings are so faint that the recordings are useless. Setting the recording levels at maximum in Sound Preferences and alsamixer still produced faint recordings.


Ubuntu 12.04 uses Unity. If you like Unity, then you will adore Ubuntu 12.04. For those who dislike Unity, expect more of the same. Unity (as well as GNOME 3) feels too dumbed down and oversimplified. While novel at first, Unity eventually gets in the way of using the computer.

Unity also feels like a cross between the Mac OS X user interface and the iPhone visuals — as if trying to appeal to people attracted to those devices. Window buttons on the left side of the title bar and a single, context-sensitive menu bar along the top of the screen (among other features) make Unity look more like Mac OS X than anything else.

Other Desktops

Other desktop environments are available, so if Unity seems inadequate, try the others. User interfaces are available at the login screen by clicking the Ubuntu icon next to the username. A list of installed desktops appears.


GNOME 3 requires installation.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell

Once installed, return to the login screen, click the Ubuntu icon at the right of the username, and choose GNOME. Logging in will activate the GNOME 3 desktop.

GNOME 3 is more usable than Unity, but it, too, gets in the way of using the computer and feels like an oversimplified toy meant for beginners.

To use GNOME 3, users must rethink how they use the desktop and approach computing differently. This might be helpful for novices, but experienced users seeking direct control over the computer may find GNOME 3 to be an annoying mess over time.

GNOME Classic

GNOME Classic provides the best experience by replicating GNOME 2 as much as possible. While not true GNOME 2, Ubuntu 12.04 with GNOME Classic felt more usable than the default Unity or GNOME 3.


Cinnamon is an alternate desktop environment that attempts to preserve the GNOME 2 usability while offering GNOME 3 features. Of all the desktop environments tried, Cinnamon was the most functional and rarely interfered with using the computer. Cinnamon eliminates all whiz-bang eye candy meant to impress Linux beginners, but it still looks attractive. It does what it needs to do, and that’s it.

However, the deal-breaker with Cinnamon involves the lagging menus. The menu highlights never kept up with the mouse cursor. There is always a half-second delay between moving the mouse and watching Cinnamon catch up. Combined with the hard drive access delay, this makes Ubuntu 12.04 feel slow and sluggish.

Linux Mint 12 with the Cinnamon desktop exhibited the same effect. At first, this was attributed to running inside a virtual machine, but since it also happens on real hardware, this must be an issue with Cinnamon.

Cinnamon holds potential as being the darling desktop for those who dislike Unity and GNOME 3, but it needs polish before it replaces GNOME 2.

Cinnamon is not installed by default, but it is available from the Cinnamon web site along with installation instructions.

Desktop Cube

The System Monitor shows that Compiz is active, and the desktop effects appear enabled by default. Therefore, the desktop cube should also work, right? All that remains is to turn it on.

Sadly, the desktop cube never materialized no matter what, so the cube was abandoned. The cube does work as demonstrated by other Ubuntu users, but it never happened in this experiment.

The Answer

“Are the hardware problems of the Aspire One 722 resolved with Ubuntu 12.04?”

Yes! Anyone seeking a reliable Linux distribution for the Acer Aspire One 722 should try Ubuntu 12.04. All hardware issues — especially the wireless problems — are nonexistent.


Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit is a fine improvement over Ubuntu 11 by offering better hardware support. It is compatible with the Acer Aspire One 722, and aside from the weak internal microphone levels, all of the previous Linux incompatibility issues are fixed. This is truly an “install and go” operating system.

However, Ubuntu is still plagued with Unity and GNOME 3, which is either good or bad depending upon the user’s preference. The slight hard drive lag when opening programs, even from an SSD, makes Ubuntu 12.04 feel slower than Ubuntu 10.10.

Those who enjoy Unity might consider Ubuntu 12.04 the best Ubuntu yet, while those who dislike Unity might view Ubuntu 12.04 as a step in the right direction and better than Ubuntu 11, but not as good as Ubuntu 10.10.

Users clinging to Ubuntu 11 should upgrade, and owners of the Acer Aspire One 722 should definitely give Ubuntu 12.04 a try. Those who admire Ubuntu 10.10 and GNOME 2 should stay with Ubuntu 10.10 because it still offers superior performance over newer Ubuntu distributions by being more responsive and providing a user interface that never intrudes on the user.

Ubuntu 12.04 — An improvement, but not quite as good as Ubuntu 10.10.

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  1. #1 by Dodo on May 6, 2012 - 10:41 AM

    Thanks a lot for your detailed review. It helped me to decide which netbook to buy.

  2. #2 by 1010 on May 8, 2012 - 2:26 PM

    Sticking with 10.10 – but thanks for a great review!

  3. #3 by federicoperichon on May 9, 2012 - 4:31 PM

    Great review! I’m now downloading Ubuntu 12.04 to my AO722. Thanks

  4. #4 by Ralf on May 11, 2012 - 11:14 AM

    So what did I do wrong that my mic does not work properly?
    Did you check on that at your divice?
    Lots of others userers (AO722 & 12.04) do have the same problem.
    Wonder how YOU made it?

    • #5 by delightlylinux on May 11, 2012 - 5:07 PM

      This looks like a netbook/Ubuntu incompatibility issue, not a user fault. Glad you mentioned it. Since testing this myself, I encountered the same faint audio issue.

      alsamixer seems to offer better control than Sound Preferences. (Open a terminal, enter alsamixer, press F6, choose “HDA ATI SB,” and press F4 for Capture devices.) There are three mic settings to choose from.

      Oddly enough, the “Internal Mic” setting mutes the internal mic in Sound Preferences.

      Adjusting alsamixer helped a little, but not much. Recored audio was still next to inaudible. Recording was only slightly better using an external microphone.

      This appears to be an unresolved issue, and I do not have a solution yet. Apparently, I am mistaken in saying that everything works.

      • #6 by Ralf on May 12, 2012 - 10:11 PM

        Well. – Guess what?
        That helped! – At least the mic volume ist audible and skype is usable now. I increased the boost up to 100% and closed the terminal right after. For the price the boost might amplify some kind of a slightly audible background noise I can live with that for now, hoping some fix will be available in the next future. Guess we have to keep an eye on the developments.
        Thank you many times!
        Since I’m just a bloody new user of ubuntu i wouldn’t have found out without your help!
        I’ll stay tuned … ***

      • #7 by delightlylinux on May 12, 2012 - 11:24 PM

        Thank you for posting feedback about your success since this can help others experiencing the same issue. Glad to hear that the mic is at least usable even if it’s not perfect.

        Detailed information regarding Linux hardware support on the AO722 is scarce (especially for the varying model numbers), so feedback about what works and what doesn’t is a big help.

      • #8 by Ralf on May 13, 2012 - 10:15 PM

        Well 😦
        I guess I was a bit to fast shouting “Hurray”!
        I solved the mic problem by knowing now how to adjust the alsamixer, still I just can’t find a way to keep that settings and to load it after restarting the system.
        After restarting I have to adjust alsamixer again. It just won’t keep the settings.
        I did some ours of research and found some hints, but still wasn’t able to manage it myself yet. Maybe I will accomplish tomorrow. Once I found a solution, I’m going to post it here! ( For all the other ones beeing annoyed bugged by that same problem. – Did I mentioned already that I’m a bloody amateur in using linux? )

      • #9 by delightlylinux on May 13, 2012 - 11:40 PM

        One thing that comes to mind is alsactl — the advanced control program for alsamixer.

        Given the time you have spent seeking a solution, you have probably already tried using alsactl, but if not, try opening alsamixer in one terminal and adjusting the settings the way you want them.

        Then, in another terminal, enter sudo alsactl store to save the settings. (This is just in case the settings are lost for some reason when alsamixer is closed before running alsactl.) This saves the alsamixer settings to the default file /var/lib/alsa/asound.state. The settings should be restored upon the next reboot. alsactl should already be on your system with alsamixer. There is no need to install it.

        Here is a link with more info: http://linux.dsplabs.com.au/alsamixer-and-alsactl-store-adjust-and-save-alsa-mixer-settings-p29/

        If that still does not work, then try adding the command alsactl restore in the Startup Applications to load the alsamixer settings upon startup. It could that the settings are being saved, but they are not being loaded upon startup.

        Not exactly sure if this will solve your problem, but maybe this information will at least offer some hints in the right direction.

        And please do not be concerned about any amateur questions. With your dedication you won’t be an amateur for long.

  5. #10 by Christian Groove on May 12, 2012 - 12:09 PM

    You are wrong Ubuntu 12.04 is still freezing !

  6. #11 by Christian Groove on May 12, 2012 - 12:48 PM

    Dear Sirs,

    as far as i can say, the WLAN broadcom problem is back ageain.
    The good thing is, that the ole workaround (boot with tftp as first boot
    option) seems working.
    I grep yesterday a installl-cd from ubuntu and loaded then 114 updates.

    Acer seemed to know of that problem, cause they left the boot-order
    having tftp as a first boot option. When i put hd-disk at the top, i
    realized that strange behaviour.

    Now i redraw my changes in the BIOS (v1.08) and erverything is

    • #12 by delightlylinux on May 12, 2012 - 3:36 PM

      Not sure what to say unless there are slight variations in the AO722 models. Using Ubuntu 12.04, I have never experienced a locking netbook no matter what the boot order was set to.

      Ubuntu 10.10, on the other hand, requires the wireless set as the first boot device or else the 722 freezes.

      For those experiencing lockups despite using Ubuntu 12.04, one suggestion is to try updating the kernel to 3.2.17 or trying the latest experimental kernels such as 3.3.5, or 3.4.rc6. Newer kernels usually offer better hardware support.

      Ubuntu Kernels:

      • #13 by Christian Groove on May 12, 2012 - 5:03 PM


        the complete name is Aspire-one 722-C6Cbb.
        The box says, that it is equipped with an
        Acer Npify 802.11b/g/n WLAN chips.

        It has been manufacted this year.

        Regardless which modification took place in the
        meantime, if think it is interesting, that exactly
        the same work-a-round helps to cope with this
        nasty lockup.


      • #14 by delightlylinux on May 12, 2012 - 11:13 PM

        Thanks for posting your model number. That helps. We are definitely using slightly different netbooks. Mine is also a 2012 AO722, but the last four digits are 042…something, and the wireless adapter is an Atheros AR8152 v2.0.2.6. (Information was obtained from the BIOS and the System Profiler and Benchmark program available in the Ubuntu repository.) The BIOS is V1.08 using InsydeH20 Setup Utility 3.5. The product name only reads “AO722,” which isn’t much help given the varying models. The extra -042x or -C6Cbb seems to make a difference.

        At first glance, it would seem that an AO722 is an AO722, but it appears there are changes however slight. This might explain why some people are still having issues with the 722 netbook while others are not.

        Glad to hear the lockup issue is solved even if it still requires a hack.

  7. #15 by Maximilli4n on May 17, 2012 - 1:27 PM

    Thank you for this excellent review! I feel confident in installing Ubuntu on My AO722, however I am still unsure which version to install. I’ve read your guide on how to install Ubuntu 10.10– it seems like more work, but not too hard to get up and running. From your personal experience, which version has better performance? 12.04 or 10.10?

    • #16 by delightlylinux on May 18, 2012 - 3:00 PM

      Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit. Definitely!

      The hard drive access using a 7200RPM or SSD with Ubuntu 10.10 is noticeably faster (at least to me) than using Ubuntu 12.04 on the same hard drive. Menus, programs, and windows tend to open slightly faster in Ubuntu 10.10, this makes 10.10 seem snappier and quicker. The difference is slight, but it’s there.

      The other reason involves Unity. Ubuntu 10.10 is using the older Gnome 2, which is simple and direct. Perfect for a netbook in my opinion. Ubuntu 12.04 uses Unity, which requires (for me, at least) too many extra clicks and too much overhead to open the programs I want. Unity makes my fingers dance around the touchpad like a figure skater while Gnome 2 in Ubuntu 10.10 requires less dexterity and gets straight to the point. Also, there seems to be an extra lag involving Unity. It’s as if Ubuntu 12.04 takes time to pause and think due to extra Unity processing while Ubuntu 10.10 obeys immediately.

      But that’s just me. Some people might like Unity, so give it a try on the netbook to see how well you like it. In the end, I find that I can get more done in less time with Ubuntu 10.10 than with Ubuntu 12.04. Useful Compiz effects that make a netbook easier to use, such as Expo, the Desktop Cube, and the Ring Switcher, are incredibly easy to enable in Ubuntu 10.10, but in Ubuntu 12.04, it’s too much work, and I never got it working the way I wanted. So, the overall usage of Ubuntu 10.10, in addition to performance, seems better than Ubuntu 12.04 from my experience.

      However, Ubuntu 10.10 has a few downsides that can cause problems. Its packages are outdated compared to Ubuntu 12.04, so compiling your own programs from source may create issues. Also, you need to use the proprietary ATI Catalyst drivers to get working video and Compiz effects, and this breaks the suspend and hibernate functions.

      Yes, Ubuntu 10.10 is certainly more work to install and it might take a few tries to get it right, but once set up and running, I find that Ubuntu 10.10 is easier to use and offers better performance than Ubuntu 12.04.

  8. #17 by Helmi Kassim on May 28, 2012 - 1:54 PM

    Hey, great review! Love 12.04 as well. Just that I have been experiencing with resuming from suspend as the same as 10.10. The system would go into suspend mode when I close the lid, but when I press any key to resume, it just gets stuck on whatever that was opened prior. I had to power down with power key and start again. It is not a great way for me. It you do know of a workaround, do tell. Thanks.

    • #18 by delightlylinux on May 28, 2012 - 2:52 PM

      I know just what you are going through but have yet to find a workaround. I do notice that on my Aspire One 722 with 12.04, the suspend issue always happens when the proprietary drivers are installed, but they function properly with the default video drivers. Not sure why. Somehow, the Catalyst drivers mess things up. Not sure if this applies to everyone since Acer seems to have made slight changes in the 722 line. Updating the kernel does not fix the problem either. Still looking for a solution, though.

      Glad you liked the review. Thank you.

      • #19 by Helmi Kassim on May 28, 2012 - 3:03 PM

        Well, I have missed to clarify that I have a 6935G and it runs Nvidia card. Is the issue the same as well? Do you mean that if I remove the Nvidia driver, I can resume from suspend? 🙂

      • #20 by delightlylinux on May 28, 2012 - 3:37 PM

        Hmm. This is a different system from the 722 netbook with Radeon HD 6290 hardware, so I can only guess at a solution.

        In theory, it’s worth a try. But before removing the driver, I would check a few things first to diagnose the problem.

        * If Ubuntu 12.04 suspended fine after a fresh installation (before any proprietary drivers were installed), then that might indicate the proprietary drivers are at fault. (A LiveCD might help check this without reinstalling Ubuntu.)

        * If suspend does not work even after installing the proprietary drivers from the repository, then it might help to download the latest Linux driver from the Nvidia web site and install that manually. It could be that the repository drivers do not support the newer hardware in some way.

        * Also, it might — just might — help to manually update the Ubuntu kernel to the latest stable release (3.2.18) or to the latest experimental release (3.3.7) if you feel adventurous since kernels often have better hardware support. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/

        Each netbook/laptop seems to be its own beast with its own proprietary build, appetites, and issues. (There are even slight variations within the 722 line that cause some features not to work properly.) Since I do not have the 6935G, I doubt I can offer much help with it beyond guessing. Hopefully, these tips are enough to get started.

  9. #21 by vitech on May 29, 2012 - 11:35 PM

    Hi everybody,
    i am on LinuxMint 12 and i have the same problem as everybody.
    All is working well but i have the same issue with the mic. The open source driver for ATI card seem to be slower and the computer heat is a bit higher than the proprietary driver. I also try Mageia 2 but i had probleme with suspend, wireless and sound. For now i hope the rest of problem will be solve soon. LinuxMint is a good distro.

  10. #22 by Dr. Matthew Roller on June 13, 2012 - 3:19 AM

    I am having the lockup problems with 12.04 64 bit on a USB stick as well.
    My model is Aspire one 722-0828
    System Bios 1.06
    System Specs
    AM Duel-Core Process C60 With turbo core technology up to 1.333 GHz
    Memory 4GB DDR3
    500GB HDD
    Box states it has an Acer Nplify 802.11 b/g/n wireless card
    AMD Radion HD 6290

    The Bios network boot as first option seems to have fixed the lockup issue.

  11. #23 by cytochromec on June 13, 2012 - 7:18 PM

    Hello we have 200 Acer Aspire One 722 running Ubuntu 12.04 and the issue is that they have the BCM4313 wireless adaptor which has intermittent connectivity (it loses connection under moderate traffic and then regains it again after a minute). Does anyone have an Aspire One 722 with this wireless card working reliably?

  12. #24 by Ron Wolf on July 6, 2012 - 10:25 AM

    As, it would seem with others, my fresh install of 12.04 to an Acer Axpire One (0722) with an Atheros AR9485 (9485) network adapter had [U]very[/U] spotty wireless performance (slow at its best, often not working at all). Reading the forums, many fixes were suggested, the one I tried was (fortunately) both simple and effective. I’m making this additional post in the hopes that others with the same rig will find it quickly and be able to save themselves days of reading about kernal patches, WICD (whatever that is), blacklists and such as nowhere did I find this same rig (AR9485 on 12.04) documented.

    As found on:


    I first tried these commands:

    sudo modprobe -rfv ath9k
    sudo modprobe -v ath9k nohwcrypt=1

    with functionally [U]great[/U] results and then

    made it permanent by creating the file


    and adding this line (followed by a which i’m not sure was needed…)

    options ath9k nohwcrypt=1

    i then moved the netboot from first in the boot order and all still works great!

    just for the record:

    rone@ronsAcerUbu:~$ lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net
    06:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR8152 v2.0 Fast Ethernet [1969:2062] (rev c1)
    Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Device [1025:0598]
    Kernel driver in use: atl1c

    07:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0032] (rev 01)
    Subsystem: Foxconn International, Inc. Device [105b:e047]
    Kernel driver in use: ath9k

    Let me know if you need any more info.

  13. #25 by Tim on July 12, 2012 - 4:23 AM

    I just got the Acer Aspire One 722 and was amazed by the speed of windows 7 on it with only 2GB ram. However since i need a german OS i installed Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and did choose not to update anything while the installation (being on wifi). This brought me a freeze several times, until I plugged the Lan cable and gave it another try. this did the Job.

    I also had the issue that the touchpad nor an usb mouse worked several times.
    Now everything seems fine.

  14. #26 by Miguel on July 14, 2012 - 9:56 PM

    Besides the mic problem, still is the problem with hd video, i can’t play it

  15. #27 by Tim on July 29, 2012 - 5:51 PM

    After trying Ubuntu 12.04 and some struggle described above. I decided to reinstall Linux Mint with Mata, since Cinnamon still has some memory-leaks. Its very fast and smooth even though i am running only with 1GB Ram and 2GB SWAP.

    the Microphone issue also seems not to appear, but i had to use alsactl (see above) to move up the sensitivity of the mic. the Freeze of UI still happened in both (Ubuntu and Mint) if not changing the start sequence on the bios and moving Network boot to the first position. (bios 1.08)
    I hope Acer is coming up with a new bios soon.

    All in All – even though its supposed to be a pure windows-laptop it runs smoother with Linux Mint.

  16. #28 by Benjamin on August 22, 2012 - 5:05 AM

    After installing Kubuntu 12.04 on Acer Aspire One, the computer freezes systematically after loging in.

    • #29 by delightlylinux on August 22, 2012 - 10:17 PM

      Just a guess, but the 722 models might be different. I installed Kubuntu 12.04 on mine, and Kubuntu 12.04 runs flawlessly.

      However, I had to install Kubuntu using the alternate ISO, not the LiveCD.

  1. Ubuntu 12.04 and the Aspire One 722 « Delightly Linux | Wireless Adapters Review
  2. Acer Aspire One 722 versus Ubuntu 12.04 LTS « /var/blog
  3. Acer Aspire One 722 Netbook Update « Delightly Linux
  4. Kubuntu 12.04 on the Aspire One 722 Netbook « Delightly Linux

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